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全球視訊!moho Tutorial 5.8: Creating a 3D Scene (Pro Only)

發(fā)稿時間:2022-08-20 09:38:56 來源: 嗶哩嗶哩

This tutorial will show you how to build and move around in a 3D scene in Moho. ?Moho isn’t a full 3D program - layers in Moho are 2D planes that exist in a 3D space. ?However, by positioning these 2D layers carefully, and moving around them using ?the 3D camera, you can create a convincing 3D environment.本教程將向您展示如何在 Moho 的 3D 場景中構(gòu)建和移動。 Moho 不是一個完整的 3D 程序 - Moho 中的層是存在于 3D 空間中的 2D 平面。 但是,通過仔細(xì)定位這些 2D 圖層并使用 3D 相機在它們周圍移動,您可以創(chuàng)建令人信服的 3D 環(huán)境。


For this tutorial, we’ll start with a project file that’s almost finished. It’s named Tutorial ?5.8 and it’s located in the Tutorials > 5 - Animation subfolder within your custom ?content folder.?

1. Open the Tutorials > 5 - Animation > Tutorial 5.8 file in Moho. This file has some simple artwork that we’ll use to build a 3D scene. The layers in ?this file are set up as shown:

對于本教程,我們將從一個幾乎完成的項目文件開始。 它被命名為 Tutorial 5.8,它位于自定義內(nèi)容文件夾中的 Tutorials > 5 - Animation 子文件夾中。

1. 在 Moho 中打開 Tutorials > 5 - Animation > Tutorial 5.8 文件。 該文件有一些簡單的藝術(shù)作品,我們將使用它們來構(gòu)建 3D 場景。 此文件中的圖層設(shè)置如下所示:

The editing view should look like this to begin with:


Creating a Ground Plane?

The first step in creating our 3D scene is to set up the ground plane.?

Select the Background layer - this layer has already had a simple terrain drawn onto ?it, we just need to position it correctly.


創(chuàng)建 3D 場景的第一步是設(shè)置地平面。


Activate the Rotate Layer XY tool, and in the tool options area at the top ?of the main Moho window, enter an X rotation angle of -90. Even though ?the Background layer is just a flat 2D object, it can still be rotated and ?positioned in true 3D space:

1. 激活 Rotate Layer XY 工具,然后在 Moho 主窗口頂部的工具選項區(qū)域中,輸入 -90 的 X 旋轉(zhuǎn)角度。 即使背景層只是一個平面的 2D 對象,它仍然可以在真正的 3D 空間中旋轉(zhuǎn)和定位:

2. Next, activate the Transform Layer tool, and in the tool options area, ?enter -0.25 as the Y value:?

3. Finally, with the Transform Layer tool, enter 5, 5, 5 in the tool options area ?as the layer’s scale values:

2. 接下來,激活變換層工具,在工具選項區(qū)域中,輸入 -0.25 作為 Y 值:

3. 最后,使用變換圖層工具,在工具選項區(qū)域中輸入 5, 5, 5 作為圖層的比例值:

What these settings do is to rotate the Background layer so that it lies down ?horizontally, lower it a bit, and spread it out wide to cover a large area. Perfect ?settings for a ground plane. The scene should now look like this:

這些設(shè)置的作用是旋轉(zhuǎn)背景層,使其水平放置,稍微降低一點,然后將其展開以覆蓋大面積。 地平面的完美設(shè)置。 場景現(xiàn)在應(yīng)該是這樣的:

Arranging Foreground Objects?

The next step is to create and position foreground objects. A simple tree has already ?been created for you - let’s set it up in 3D.?

1. Often, positioning objects in 3D can be easier done from an overhead ?view. Use the Orbit Workspace tool to rotate the view of the scene so ?that it looks something like this (partial view shown).?

2. (Notice the little blue wedge in the scene - this represents the camera.)


下一步是創(chuàng)建和定位前景對象。 已經(jīng)為您創(chuàng)建了一個簡單的樹 - 讓我們在 3D 中設(shè)置它。

1. 通常,在 3D 中定位對象可以從俯視圖更容易地完成。 使用 Orbit Workspace 工具旋轉(zhuǎn)場景視圖,使其看起來像這樣(顯示部分視圖)。

2.(注意場景中的藍(lán)色小楔子 - 這代表相機。)

3. Now select the Tree layer, and make the Transform Layer tool active. ?Double-click the Tree layer. The Layer Settings dialog opens.?

4. In the Options section of the General tab, select the Rotate to face camera popup and choose Pivot Y Axis (you’ll see why this is important later).

5. With the Transform Layer tool selected, in the tool options area, set the ?Position X value to -3.25, and the Z value to -2.25. The tree will be moved ?to the far corner of the scene:

3. 現(xiàn)在選擇樹層,激活變換層工具。 雙擊樹層。 圖層設(shè)置對話框打開。

4. 在 General 選項卡的 Options 部分,選擇 Rotate to face camera 彈出窗口并選擇 Pivot Y Axis(稍后您會看到為什么這很重要)。

5. 選擇變換圖層工具后,在工具選項區(qū)域中,將位置 X 值設(shè)置為 -3.25,將 Z 值設(shè)置為 -2.25。 樹將移動到場景的遠(yuǎn)角:

6. OK, that’s one tree - now add several more. In the Layers window, click the ?Duplicate layer button to duplicate the Tree layer, and set new values for the X ?Position and Z Position. Any values for X and Z Position will do, as long as they’re ?roughly in the range between -3 and 3.?

7. Repeat the process several more times, just scattering trees across the ?landscape. Keep going until you’ve created about 12 more trees. Position them ?all over the place - close to the camera, far away, behind it, etc. When you’re ?done you should have a small forest:

Now the reason for the Rotate to face camera checkbox may be clear. The ?Tree layer (and all of its duplicates) automatically turns to face the camera - ?notice how each tree is turned in a slightly different direction. This makes sure ?the camera always has a full view of that layer. This may not always be what ?you want, but for scenery objects, it can be a good trick, especially when the ?camera starts moving.

6. 好的,這是一棵樹 - 現(xiàn)在再添加幾棵。 在圖層窗口中,單擊復(fù)制圖層按鈕以復(fù)制樹圖層,并為 X 位置和 Z 位置設(shè)置新值。 X 和 Z 位置的任何值都可以,只要它們大致在 -3 和 3 之間的范圍內(nèi)。

7. 再重復(fù)幾次該過程,只是將樹木散布在整個景觀中。 繼續(xù)前進(jìn),直到您再創(chuàng)建大約 12 棵樹。 將它們放置在所有地方 - 靠近相機,遠(yuǎn)離相機,在相機后面等。完成后,您應(yīng)該有一個小森林:

現(xiàn)在,Rotate to face camera 復(fù)選框的原因可能很清楚了。 樹層(及其所有副本)自動轉(zhuǎn)向面向相機 - 注意每棵樹是如何轉(zhuǎn)向稍微不同的方向的。 這可確保相機始終擁有該圖層的完整視圖。 這可能并不總是您想要的,但對于風(fēng)景對象來說,這可能是一個很好的技巧,尤其是當(dāng)相機開始移動時。

Here’s a trick: if you have a mouse with a scroll wheel, instead ?of typing in numbers for the X and Z values, try holding the ?mouse over those text fields and turning the wheel. The value in the ?field will change, and you can watch the layer move - just keep ?turning the wheel until the layer is where you want it.

這里有個技巧:如果您有一個帶滾輪的鼠標(biāo),請嘗試將鼠標(biāo)懸停在這些文本字段上并轉(zhuǎn)動滾輪,而不是輸入 X 和 Z 值的數(shù)字。 字段中的值會發(fā)生變化,您可以看到圖層移動 - 只需繼續(xù)轉(zhuǎn)動滾輪,直到圖層到達(dá)您想要的位置。

8. The last step to finish off the forest is depth sorting. Double-click the Foreground group layer. In the Layer Settings dialog, click the Depth Sort tab. Turn on the ?Sort layers by depth checkbox and click OK. Now all the tree layers in this group ?will be sorted according to their distance from the camera.

8. 完成森林的最后一步是深度排序。 雙擊前景組圖層。 在“圖層設(shè)置”對話框中,單擊“深度排序”選項卡。 啟用按深度排序圖層復(fù)選框,然后單擊確定。 現(xiàn)在該組中的所有樹層將根據(jù)它們與相機的距離進(jìn)行排序。

Moving the Camera

Now that we’ve got a filled-in scene, lets take a tour.

Select the View > Reset menu command. You are now looking at the scene from the ?camera’s point of view:

移動相機 現(xiàn)在我們已經(jīng)有了一個填充的場景,讓我們來參觀一下。 選擇視圖 > 重置菜單命令。 您現(xiàn)在正在從相機的角度查看場景:

9. Set the current frame to 48 and activate the Track Camera tool. While ?holding down the Alt key, click and drag downward in the editing area. ?(The Alt key tells the Track Camera tool to move the camera forward and ?back.). Keep dragging downward until you’ve moved forward almost to the ?edge of the ground layer.

9. 將當(dāng)前幀設(shè)置為 48 并激活 Track Camera 工具。 按住 Alt 鍵的同時,在編輯區(qū)域單擊并向下拖動。 (Alt 鍵告訴跟蹤攝像機工具前后移動攝像機。)。 繼續(xù)向下拖動,直到您幾乎向前移動到地面層的邊緣。

10. Now activate the Pan/Tilt Camera tool. Hold down the Shift key and ?drag to the side to turn the camera around. (The Shift key prevents you ?from rotating the camera up and down.) It doesn’t matter where you turn to - ?just point the camera in an interesting direction:

10. 現(xiàn)在激活 Pan/Tilt Camera 工具。 按住 Shift 鍵并拖動到一側(cè)以轉(zhuǎn)動相機。 (Shift 鍵可防止您上下旋轉(zhuǎn)相機。)無論您轉(zhuǎn)向哪里 - 只需將相機指向一個有趣的方向:

11. Set the current frame to 96, and use the Track Camera tool to move ?forward again (be sure to hold down the Alt key to move forward).?

12. After moving forward, turn the camera in a new direction with the Pan/ Tilt camera tool (be sure to hold down the Shift key). Continue this process ?(advance the current time, move forward, and turn the camera) as much as ?you want, taking a little tour of your 3D scene.?

13. When you’ve moved around as much as you want, try playing back the ?animation. While playing back the animation, use the Orbit Workspace tool to ?view the scene from above.

14. There are two things to notice here:?

? First, if you activate the Track Camera tool again, the path of the camera ?is visible when viewing the scene from above. If the path is not visible, ?check the Show Path option in the Track Camera tool status bar. This can ?be useful when planning out camera moves.?

? Second, watch how the trees turn during the animation to always face the ?camera. That way, the camera never catches an edge-on view of any ?tree, which would kind of spoil the 3D effect.

11、將當(dāng)前幀設(shè)置為96,再次使用Track Camera工具向前移動(一定要按住Alt鍵向前移動)。

12. 向前移動后,使用 Pan/Tilt 相機工具將相機轉(zhuǎn)向新的方向(一定要按住 Shift 鍵)。隨心所欲地繼續(xù)此過程(提前當(dāng)前時間、向前移動并轉(zhuǎn)動相機),稍微瀏覽一下您的 3D 場景。

13. 當(dāng)你移動到你想要的位置時,試著播放動畫。播放動畫時,使用 Orbit Workspace 工具從上方查看場景。

14. 這里有兩點需要注意:

首先,如果您再次激活跟蹤攝像機工具,則從上方查看場景時可以看到攝像機的路徑。如果路徑不可見,請選中 Track Camera 工具狀態(tài)欄中的 Show Path 選項。這在計劃相機移動時很有用。

其次,觀看動畫期間樹木如何轉(zhuǎn)動以始終面向相機。這樣,相機永遠(yuǎn)不會捕捉到任何樹木的邊緣視圖,這會破壞 3D 效果。

Feel free to experiment with more camera moves, or to add objects of your own to ?the scene.隨意嘗試更多的攝像機移動,或?qū)⒛约旱膶ο筇砑拥綀鼍爸小?/p>



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