Fate has been cruel and order unkindHow can I have sent you away?The blame was my own; the punishment, yoursThe harmony"s silent todayBut into the stillness I"ll bring you a songAnd I will your company keepTill your tired eyes and my lullabiesHave carried you softly to sleepOnce did a pony who shone like the sunLook out on her kingdom and sighShe smiled and said, "Surely, there is no ponySo lovely and so well beloved as I"So great was her reign, so brilliant her gloryThat long was the shadow she castWhich fell dark upon the young sister she lovedAnd grew only darker as days and nights passedLullay moon princess, goodnight sister mineAnd rest now in moonlight"s embraceBear up my lullaby, winds of the earthThrough cloud, and through sky, and through spaceCarry the peace and the coolness of nightAnd carry my sorrow in kindLuna, you"re loved so much more than you knowForgive me for being so blindSoon did that pony take notice that othersDid not give her sister her dueAnd neither had she loved her as she deservedShe watched as her sister"s unhappiness grewBut such is the way of the limelight, it sweetlyTakes hold of the mind of its hostAnd that foolish pony did nothing to stopThe destruction of one who had needed her mostLullay moon princess, goodnight sister mineAnd rest now in moonlight"s embraceBear up my lullaby, winds of the earthThrough cloud, and through sky, and through spaceCarry the peace and the coolness of nightAnd carry my sorrow in kindLuna, you"re loved so much more than you knowMay troubles be far from your mindAnd forgive me for being so blind
The years now before us, fearful and unknownI never imagined I"d face them on my ownMay these thousand winters swiftly pass, I prayI love you, I miss you all these miles awayMay all your dreams be sweet tonightSafe upon your bed of moonlightAnd know not of sadness, pain, or careAnd when I dream, I"ll fly away and meet you thereSleep... sleep... sleep...
標簽: PAIN
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