Tutorial 9.1: Wind Dynamics
Wind is the newest addition to the powerful and easy to use Physics toolset Moho ?offers. Take absolute control over the strength, direction and turbulence of wind and ?make your scenes come alive in minutes. Give your backgrounds and characters ?new life with Wind Dynamics!?
To use wind, you must select a Bone layerand be sure you are at frame 0.?
Use the Select Bone tool (B) and select one or more bones you want to react with ?Wind
教程 9.1:風(fēng)動力學(xué)
Wind 是 Moho 提供的強大且易于使用的物理工具集的最新成員。 絕對控制風(fēng)的強度、方向和湍流,讓您的場景在幾分鐘內(nèi)變得生動。 使用 Wind Dynamics 賦予您的背景和角色新的生命!
要使用風(fēng),您必須選擇一個骨骼層并確保您位于第 0 幀。
使用選擇骨骼工具 (B) 并選擇一個或多個要與風(fēng)反應(yīng)的骨骼
In this case, we want the hair to automatically move with the wind, so we select all ?the bones related to the hair .
Now in the Select Bone toolbar, open the Bone Constraints window and activate ?both Bone Dynamicsand Wind.
現(xiàn)在在 Select Bone 工具欄中,打開 Bone Constraints 窗口并激活 Bone Dynamics 和 Wind
在 Bone Constraints 窗口中按 Close,現(xiàn)在選擇 Wind Tool.
A red Arrow will appear over the layer圖層上方會出現(xiàn)一個紅色箭頭
This arrow shows how the wind is moving in real time and makes it easier to know ?what values to choose next.
Wind Values
方向:這以度數(shù)顯示風(fēng)的方向。值 0 表示風(fēng)將完全水平并指向右側(cè)。使數(shù)字變小或變大,將使風(fēng)順時針或逆時針旋轉(zhuǎn)。
? 強度:該值顯示風(fēng)的強度。值 0 表示根本沒有風(fēng),而 100 是最大量。
? 湍流幅度和湍流頻率:這兩個值相互關(guān)聯(lián),它們修改和動畫風(fēng)的角度和強度,以產(chǎn)生湍流的感覺。
Using right click or the mouse wheel to modify the values?
You can edit these and any numeric values in Moho by using the mouse wheel or ?pointing the cursor over the number and drag right click to the left or right.
Holding Shift or Ctrl (Cmd in macOS) while doing it, you can make the change of ?values bigger or smaller.?
Testing Wind in real time?
To check how the Wind is affecting your characters, background elements or props, ?you can simply hit play in the timeline and then modify the wind values using the ?technique explained above.?
Moho will show you in real time how the new values are affecting the bones with ?Wind Dynamics applied.?
The red arrow will also be updated automatically, making easier the Wind ?adjustments.
您可以在 Moho 中編輯這些和任何數(shù)值,方法是使用鼠標(biāo)滾輪或?qū)⒐鈽?biāo)指向數(shù)字并將右鍵單擊向左或向右拖動。
在執(zhí)行此操作時按住 Shift 或 Ctrl(macOS 中的 Cmd),您可以使值的變化更大或更小。
Moho 將實時向您展示新值如何影響應(yīng)用了風(fēng)動力學(xué)的骨骼。
Animating Wind
? Wind Direction?
? Wind Strength?
? Wind Turbulence?
If you modify these values at any frame, a keyframe will be created there.?
The values for Wind Direction and Wind Strength can be edited in the Motion Graph
? 風(fēng)向
? 風(fēng)力強度
? 風(fēng)湍流
You can also copy and paste Wind keyframes between different bone layers.
您還可以在不同骨骼層之間復(fù)制和粘貼 Wind 關(guān)鍵幀。
Bones properties
The Dynamics properties for each bone can also be modified.
If you use the Select Bone tool and select one or more bones, you can open the ?Bone Constraints window and change the values there too.?
Depending on the values you pick for Torque, Spring and Damping, the reaction of ?the bone to the wind will be different.
? 扭矩力:定義運動的大小
? 彈簧力:定義運動將反彈多少。 數(shù)值越小,運動越柔和
? 阻尼力:定義骨骼恢復(fù)其初始角度所需的時間。 值越大,花費的時間就越少。
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